February happenings

February is set to be an exciting month at Berwyn Lodge:

Feb 2       3rd degrees (two of them)
Feb 9       Stated Meeting and reception of the DDGM
Feb 16      Table Lodge at Klas Restaurant (7pm)
Feb 23      Stated Meeting and 2nd degrees (three of them)

About 25 brethren are signed up for the Table Lodge as of Jan 26, 2010, and we can take up to 25 more. Members of other lodges are welcome. $20/person gets you an excellent Bohemian meal and a unique evening of Masonic education.

We also particularly need a Tyler, who must be a Master Mason. The Tyler is outside (by the bar) for most of the
Table Lodge, but gets to give the final traditional toast. We will pay for the Tyler’s meal.
(Got a Tyler!)

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